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STB INN is a Swedish Life Science company that develops PERIsign™

With PERIsign, the assessment of patients with stomach pain is altered for the first time in a hundred years. With our technology, the young ED physician can determine the status of a patient with greater accuracy than any senior doctor. This can be accomplished within minutes and at a lower cost than that of a standard blood test.

About us

STB INN was founded 2020 to further develop PERIsign™.
PERIsign is based on the idea from one of the founders, Andreas Jonsson, MD, PhD and consultant surgeon. The idea took form as Andreas felt that patients with acute abdominal pain was evaluated with a great uncertainty and in a workflow that took to long time and at an unjust cost.

PERIsign is an effective and accurate medical diagnostic tool to separate patients in need of acute surgical attention from other patients with abdominal pain in the emergency department.


We are revolutionizing the assessment of patients with abdominal pain!
PERIsign is the awaited revolution of how patients with abdominal pain is investigated and diagnosed. In the same way that ECG has changed the assessment of patients with chest pain.

Similarly, PERIsign quickly, risk free, and painlessly determines whether patients with abdominal pain have a need for urgent medical care or can safely leave the ED department and return home.
PERIsign makes the very difficult and subjective manual examination of the patient an objective, repeatable, and user independent investigation.


Andreas Jonsson, MD, PhD. Founder, CEO

Signe Svensson, MSc. CPO


Andreas Jonsson, MD, PhD. Founder, CEO

Ingrid Jonsson, MSc. Co-founder, VP O2C Tech, Riverty

Harald Edén, Chairman of the Board

Roger Wiklund, Board Member

Harald Castler, MSc. Board Member,
Chairman Halmstad University,
Former President Getinge Life Science

Advisory board

Per Loftås, MD, PhD, Vice Chairman of SFAT. Senior advisor/KOL

Thomas Lundström MSc. Former sales dir. OneMed Senior advisor

Stephane Baronnet MSc. CEO, Promedee AB. Senior advisor

Lets talk!

Are you interested in PERIsign?
Do you see a partnership in the future?

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